# Telemetry
Wrapper for Sentry to use in /e/ OS default applications.
## Usage
- First, we need to add dependency repository to `settings.gradle`:
- Then, we need to add dependency to `build.gradle`:
implementation 'foundation.e.lib:telemetry:0.0.10-alpha'
- Get the Sentry DSN from the sentry dashboard and add the following to `build.gradle`:
buildTypes {
configureEach {
buildConfigField("String", "SENTRY_DSN", "\"${System.getenv("SENTRY_DSN")}\"")
- To use the library, we need to add the following code to the main `Application` class:
Telemetry.init(BuildConfig.SENTRY_DSN, this)
- To send an event, we need to add the following code:
Telemetry.reportMessage("sample message")
- To get sentry user id, we need to add the following code:
# How to force telemetry to be enabled without manual action in settings?
Use adb command:
`adb shell settings put system e_telemetry 1`
# How to get/change sentry user id?
Use adb command:
`adb shell settings get secure sentry_userid`
`adb shell settings put secure sentry_userid 2163681a-0980-41f6-8044-7db50c580986`