diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index c9f95b9366df9e9931923063753ff3b539045e2b..aa6ed5a152b2631a87ac0f020096e132144509bc 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ App Lounge is an open-source application that allows you to install Android apps
App Lounge use the _Packaging by Features_ approach for packaging the code. A really good explanation for this approach can be found on Philip Hauer's [Package by Feature](https://web.archive.org/web/20211025104408/https://phauer.com/2020/package-by-feature/) blog post.
+Click to expand
├── api
@@ -66,6 +68,8 @@ App Lounge use the _Packaging by Features_ approach for packaging the code. A re
## API
App Lounge use the following APIs to offer applications:
@@ -80,3 +84,169 @@ App Lounge use the following APIs to offer applications:
- A the list of contributors can be viewed on this repository's [contributors graph](https://gitlab.e.foundation/e/apps/apps/-/graphs/master).
In case you wish to contribute to the development of this project, feel free to open a [Merge Request](https://gitlab.e.foundation/e/apps/apps/-/merge_requests) or an [Issue](https://gitlab.e.foundation/e/backlog/-/issues/) for the same. Contributions are always welcome.
+## Murena's system app updates
+The following section will give developer's input about how to trigger a release, and what to take care.
+Most of the App lounge update implementation can be found in `/app/src/main/java/foundation/e/apps/data/gitlab` package.
+The summarized process is:
+1. Get OS's info (Android API, release type : beta, rc, etc.)
+2. Define which Endpoint (json files from [this project](https://gitlab.e.foundation/e/os/system-apps-update-info) to contact to know which system app can be updated.
+3. Download the json file. It list Updatable system app with package name & project ID and potentially other property for specific case.
+ *By example, since BlissLauncher3 is updatable, we can use `"dependsOnAndroidVersion": true`. But we'll describe this further.*
+4. Use [Gitlab's Release API](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/releases/) to fetch & list available releases for each project.
+5. Then get the latest available release. Download the json file available in the json's assets. This json files has been created with [this script](https://gitlab.e.foundation/e/os/system-apps-update-info/-/blob/main/scripts/create-json-files.sh?ref_type=heads)
+6. It checks few element within the json file.
+7. Compare version number with the installed one. If the update isn't more recent then stop.
+8. Download APK from release thanks to URL defined in json files.
+9. Once the APK is installed, it start installation process like for any regular app.
+### How to make a new app updatable through app lounge ?
+Let's call the new updatable app : "the new app" in the current section
+If there is specific requirement for the new app, then App Lounge codebase (`/app/src/main/java/foundation/e/apps/data/gitlab`) must be updated accordingly.
+In All case, the new app's project must have 5 CI-jobs. They rely on [those scripts](https://gitlab.e.foundation/e/os/system-apps-update-info/-/tree/main/scripts).
+- `init-submodules`: which clones [the project](https://gitlab.e.foundation/e/os/system-apps-update-info) with needed scripts as a submodule
+- `generate-apks`: which signs the APK with all the key (Test, official & community) and provide them as artifact
+- `create-json-files:`: which generate a json file with metadata about new app's release. This json files is used at step 5 in the summarized process described in previous section.
+- `create-test-release` : Which is manually triggered, and that create a gitlab release for Test build only
+- `create-release` : which is manually triggered and that create a gitlab release for Official and Community build
+:warning: `create-test-release` and `create-release` will block each other because it use the name of the release's tag
+Example from App Lounge's CI related to update
+ # ... other variables
+ UNSIGNED_APK: "AppLounge_release.apk"
+ COMMUNITY_APK: "AppLounge_release_community.apk"
+ OFFICIAL_APK: "AppLounge_release_official.apk"
+ TEST_APK: "AppLounge_release_test.apk"
+ # ... other stages
+ - gitlab_release
+ stage: gitlab_release
+ needs: []
+ rules:
+ - if: '$CI_COMMIT_TAG && $CI_COMMIT_REF_PROTECTED == "true"'
+ when: on_success
+ script:
+ - git clone https://gitlab.e.foundation/e/os/system-apps-update-info.git systemAppsUpdateInfo
+ artifacts:
+ paths:
+ - systemAppsUpdateInfo/scripts/
+ stage: gitlab_release
+ rules:
+ - if: '$CI_COMMIT_TAG && $CI_COMMIT_REF_PROTECTED == "true"'
+ when: on_success
+ needs:
+ - init-submodules
+ - buildRelease
+ - buildReleaseTest
+ - buildReleaseCommunity
+ - buildReleaseOfficial
+ dependencies:
+ - init-submodules
+ - buildRelease
+ - buildReleaseTest
+ - buildReleaseCommunity
+ - buildReleaseOfficial
+ script:
+ - mkdir -p $APK_PATH
+ - unsignedApk=$(ls app/build/outputs/apk/release/*.apk | grep "release")
+ - testApk=$(ls app/build/outputs/apk/releaseTest/*.apk | grep "releaseTest")
+ - communityApk=$(ls app/build/outputs/apk/releaseCommunity/*.apk | grep "releaseCommunity")
+ - officialApk=$(ls app/build/outputs/apk/releaseOfficial/*.apk | grep "releaseOfficial")
+ - cp "$unsignedApk" "$APK_PATH/$UNSIGNED_APK"
+ - cp "$testApk" "$APK_PATH/$TEST_APK"
+ - cp "$communityApk" "$APK_PATH/$COMMUNITY_APK"
+ - cp "$officialApk" "$APK_PATH/$OFFICIAL_APK"
+ artifacts:
+ paths:
+ stage: gitlab_release
+ dependencies:
+ - init-submodules
+ - generate-apks
+ needs:
+ - init-submodules
+ - generate-apks
+ rules:
+ - if: '$CI_COMMIT_TAG && $CI_COMMIT_REF_PROTECTED == "true"'
+ when: on_success
+ script:
+ - |
+ ./systemAppsUpdateInfo/scripts/create-json-files.sh \
+ artifacts:
+ paths:
+ - test.json
+ - community.json
+ - official.json
+ stage: gitlab_release
+ dependencies:
+ - init-submodules
+ needs:
+ - init-submodules
+ - create-json-files
+ - generate-apks
+ rules:
+ - if: '$CI_COMMIT_TAG && $CI_COMMIT_REF_PROTECTED == "true"'
+ when: manual
+ script:
+ - |
+ ./systemAppsUpdateInfo/scripts/create-test-release.sh \
+ allow_failure: true
+ stage: gitlab_release
+ dependencies:
+ - init-submodules
+ needs:
+ - init-submodules
+ - create-json-files
+ - generate-apks
+ rules:
+ - if: '$CI_COMMIT_TAG && $CI_COMMIT_REF_PROTECTED == "true"'
+ when: manual
+ script:
+ - |
+ ./systemAppsUpdateInfo/scripts/create-release.sh \
+ allow_failure: true
+Then you need to add some CI variables to the new app's project (Settings > CI-CD > Variables). They are mainly the signature key & alias to sign the APK.
+Check already updatable project to just copy/paste those variables.
+You also need to define some rules to make make some tag protected. Because Only a protected tag can trigger a release (Settings > repository > protected tags)
+Tag example: `v*` or `eOS-release-*`
+Thanks to that, when you will create a tag like `v14.55.8` it will be protected and the pipeline will run automatically the release step until a manual action is required
+In the end, you will need to add the ID of new app's project, package name & any other property you want in [this json file](https://gitlab.e.foundation/e/os/system-apps-update-info/-/blob/main/updatable_system_apps_test.json?ref_type=heads) to make it visible by no-releasable build (beta, rc & test). And if you want to release for User, just do the same in [this json file](https://gitlab.e.foundation/e/os/system-apps-update-info/-/blob/main/updatable_system_apps.json?ref_type=heads)
+**note:** `dependsOnAndroidVersion": true` this option is used only in BlissLaunche 3 at the moment, to let App lounge know that this project has build depending on Android version; So with specific branch (v1-t, v1-s, etc.). Thanks to it, App lounge can filter release for the Android version of the OS which prevent installation of the update for android T on OS with android S by example.
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