diff --git a/config/permissions/eos-permissions.xml b/config/permissions/eos-permissions.xml
index a4519315e4370a139865744e7e3cc31d54188de3..d871c4f35384c0a435a7f3c307908ee6650fe33b 100644
--- a/config/permissions/eos-permissions.xml
+++ b/config/permissions/eos-permissions.xml
@@ -204,6 +204,9 @@
diff --git a/flash/otter/config.mk b/flash/otter/config.mk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..20b5cb57d87338c7c74c1302700225ec9d44721d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flash/otter/config.mk
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+HLOS_IMAGES_TARGET := boot.img \
+ dtbo.img \
+ vendor_boot.img \
+ vbmeta_system.img \
+ vbmeta.img \
+ super.img
diff --git a/flash/otter/flash_otter_factory.sh b/flash/otter/flash_otter_factory.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..091dbd4d3f441164798569994d8814ef4c3da85c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flash/otter/flash_otter_factory.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# This script is created and maintained by
+# Bharath(@teamb58).org
+# Feel free to connect for any queries or suggestions.
+# This script flashes a software release and complete wipes the device.
+set -e
+set -u
+# Target device info
+# Paths/files
+ROOT_DIR="$( cd -- "$( dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" &> /dev/null && pwd )"
+# Abort the script (and wait for a key to be pressed).
+abort_now() {
+ echo ""
+ read -rp "ERROR: Aborting now (press Enter to terminate)." a
+ exit 1
+# Check for connected phone
+find_device() {
+ echo "INFO: Looking for connected device(s)..."
+ DEVICE_FOUND="false"
+ while [ ${DEVICE_FOUND} = "false" ]
+ do
+ serial_numbers=
+ for sn in $("${FASTBOOT_BIN}" devices | grep fastboot | grep -oE '^[[:alnum:]]+')
+ do
+ # Checking the product ID
+ PRODUCT_STRING=$("${FASTBOOT_BIN}" -s "${sn}" getvar product 2>&1)
+ # Add serial, if product matches
+ if [[ ${PRODUCT_STRING} == *"${PRODUCT_ID}"* ]] || [[ ${PRODUCT_STRING} == *"${PRODUCT_ID_OLD}"* ]]
+ then
+ serial_numbers="${serial_numbers} $sn"
+ fi
+ done
+ case $(echo "${serial_numbers}" | wc -w | grep -oE '[0-9]+') in
+ 0)
+ echo ""
+ echo "WARNING: No ${PRODUCT} found in fastboot mode."
+ echo "WARNING: Make sure that a ${PRODUCT} is connected."
+ ;;
+ 1)
+ echo "INFO: One ${PRODUCT} in fastboot mode found (serial number: ${sn})."
+ break
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo ""
+ echo "WARNING: Several ${PRODUCT}'s in fastboot mode connected."
+ echo "WARNING: Please connect only one ${PRODUCT}."
+ ;;
+ esac
+ echo ""
+ while true
+ do
+ read -rp "Do you want to look for a ${PRODUCT} again? [(Y)es/(n)o]: " a
+ if [ -z "${a}" ] || [ "${a}" = 'y' ] || [ "${a}" = 'Y' ]
+ then
+ break
+ elif [ "${a}" = 'n' ] || [ "${a}" = 'N' ]
+ then
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ done
+ done
+# Flash (or manipulate) relevant partitions
+flash_device() {
+ flash_image_ab_or_abort "${sn}" bluetooth "${IMAGES_DIR}/bluetooth.img"
+ flash_image_ab_or_abort "${sn}" devcfg "${IMAGES_DIR}/devcfg.img"
+ flash_image_ab_or_abort "${sn}" dsp "${IMAGES_DIR}/dsp.img"
+ flash_image_ab_or_abort "${sn}" modem "${IMAGES_DIR}/modem.img"
+ flash_image_ab_or_abort "${sn}" xbl "${IMAGES_DIR}/xbl.img"
+ flash_image_ab_or_abort "${sn}" tz "${IMAGES_DIR}/tz.img"
+ flash_image_ab_or_abort "${sn}" hyp "${IMAGES_DIR}/hyp.img"
+ flash_image_ab_or_abort "${sn}" keymaster "${IMAGES_DIR}/keymaster.img"
+ flash_image_ab_or_abort "${sn}" abl "${IMAGES_DIR}/abl.img"
+ flash_image_ab_or_abort "${sn}" boot "${IMAGES_DIR}/boot.img"
+ flash_image_ab_or_abort "${sn}" dtbo "${IMAGES_DIR}/dtbo.img"
+ flash_image_ab_or_abort "${sn}" vendor_boot "${IMAGES_DIR}/vendor_boot.img"
+ flash_image_ab_or_abort "${sn}" vbmeta_system "${IMAGES_DIR}/vbmeta_system.img"
+ flash_image_ab_or_abort "${sn}" vbmeta "${IMAGES_DIR}/vbmeta.img"
+ flash_image_or_abort "${sn}" super "${IMAGES_DIR}/super.img"
+ flash_image_ab_or_abort "${sn}" aop "${IMAGES_DIR}/aop.img"
+ flash_image_ab_or_abort "${sn}" featenabler "${IMAGES_DIR}/featenabler.img"
+ flash_image_ab_or_abort "${sn}" imagefv "${IMAGES_DIR}/imagefv.img"
+ flash_image_ab_or_abort "${sn}" multiimgoem "${IMAGES_DIR}/multiimgoem.img"
+ flash_image_ab_or_abort "${sn}" qupfw "${IMAGES_DIR}/qupfw.img"
+ flash_image_ab_or_abort "${sn}" qweslicstore "${IMAGES_DIR}/qweslicstore.img"
+ flash_image_ab_or_abort "${sn}" uefisecapp "${IMAGES_DIR}/uefisecapp.img"
+ flash_image_ab_or_abort "${sn}" xbl_config "${IMAGES_DIR}/xbl_config.img"
+ flash_image_ab_or_abort "${sn}" cpucp "${IMAGES_DIR}/cpucp.img"
+ flash_image_ab_or_abort "${sn}" shrm "${IMAGES_DIR}/shrm.img"
+ "$FASTBOOT_BIN" -s "${sn}" erase userdata
+ "$FASTBOOT_BIN" -s "${sn}" erase metadata
+ "$FASTBOOT_BIN" -s "${sn}" --set-active=a
+# Flash an image to a partition. Abort on failure.
+# Arguments:
+flash_image_or_abort() {
+ local retval=0
+ "$FASTBOOT_BIN" -s "${1}" flash "${2}" "${3}" || retval=$?
+ if [ "${retval}" -ne 0 ]
+ then
+ echo ""
+ echo "ERROR: Could not flash the ${2} partition on device ${1}."
+ echo ""
+ echo "ERROR: Please unplug the phone, take the battery out, boot the device into"
+ echo "ERROR: fastboot mode, and start this script again."
+ echo "ERROR: (To get to fastboot mode, press Volume-Down and plug in the USB-C)"
+ echo "ERROR: (cable until the fastboot menu appears.)"
+ abort_now
+ fi
+# Flash an image to both A and B slot of partition. Abort on failure.
+# Arguments:
+flash_image_ab_or_abort() {
+ flash_image_or_abort "${1}" "${2}_a" "${3}"
+ flash_image_or_abort "${1}" "${2}_b" "${3}"
+# Operating system checks and variable definition
+os_checks() {
+ case "$(uname -s 2> /dev/null)" in
+ Linux|GNU/Linux)
+ echo "INFO: You are using a Linux distribution."
+ FASTBOOT_BIN="${ROOT_DIR}/bin-linux-x86/fastboot"
+ ;;
+ msys|MINGW*)
+ echo "INFO: You are using MinGW on Windows"
+ FASTBOOT_BIN="${ROOT_DIR}/bin-msys/fastboot.exe"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "ERROR: Unsupported operating system (${OSTYPE})."
+ echo "ERROR: Only GNU/Linux, and MinGW on Windows are currently supported."
+ abort_now
+ ;;
+ esac
+# Control the reboot sequence
+reboot_device() {
+ echo "-----------"
+ echo ""
+ echo "INFO: Done. The device will reboot now."
+ "${FASTBOOT_BIN}" -s "${sn}" reboot
+ echo ""
+ echo "INFO: You can unplug the USB cable now."
+ echo ""
+echo ""
+echo "*** ${PRODUCT} flashing script ***"
+echo ""
+echo "INFO: The procedure will start soon. Please wait..."
+echo "Note that this will detect and flash only on ${PRODUCT} device."
+sleep 2
+# Begin with some OS checks and variable definition
+# Call function to look for device(s)
+# If only one device is found $sn will store its serial number
+# Flash the device
+# Reboot device
diff --git a/flash/tetris/config.mk b/flash/tetris/config.mk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2b717e0be1d6b9820ced98a5d0b7cb41b7c4ba9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flash/tetris/config.mk
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+HLOS_IMAGES_TARGET := boot.img \
+ dtbo.img \
+ init_boot.img \
+ vendor_boot.img \
+ vbmeta_system.img \
+ vbmeta_vendor.img \
+ vbmeta.img \
+ super.img
diff --git a/flash/tetris/flash_tetris_factory.sh b/flash/tetris/flash_tetris_factory.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9ab077768c348ccbe0be1e7e73e1d0e0a61954cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flash/tetris/flash_tetris_factory.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# This script is created and maintained by
+# Bharath(@teamb58).org
+# Feel free to connect for any queries or suggestions.
+# This script flashes a software release and complete wipes the device.
+set -e
+set -u
+CLEAN_FLASH="true" # Control data wipe behavior. Default is "true".
+# Target device info
+PRODUCT="CMF Phone 1"
+# Paths/files
+ROOT_DIR="$( cd -- "$( dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" &> /dev/null && pwd )"
+# Abort the script (and wait for a key to be pressed).
+abort_now() {
+ echo ""
+ read -rp "ERROR: Aborting now (press Enter to terminate)." a
+ exit 1
+# Check for connected phone
+find_device() {
+ echo "INFO: Looking for connected device(s)..."
+ DEVICE_FOUND="false"
+ while [ ${DEVICE_FOUND} = "false" ]
+ do
+ serial_numbers=
+ for sn in $("${FASTBOOT_BIN}" devices | grep fastboot | grep -oE '^[[:alnum:]]+')
+ do
+ # Checking the product ID
+ PRODUCT_STRING=$("${FASTBOOT_BIN}" -s "${sn}" getvar product 2>&1)
+ # Add serial, if product matches
+ if [[ ${PRODUCT_STRING} == *"${PRODUCT_ID}"* ]] || [[ ${PRODUCT_STRING} == *"${PRODUCT_ID_OLD}"* ]]
+ then
+ serial_numbers="${serial_numbers} $sn"
+ fi
+ done
+ case $(echo "${serial_numbers}" | wc -w | grep -oE '[0-9]+') in
+ 0)
+ echo ""
+ echo "WARNING: No ${PRODUCT} found in fastboot mode."
+ echo "WARNING: Make sure that a ${PRODUCT} is connected."
+ ;;
+ 1)
+ echo "INFO: One ${PRODUCT} in fastboot mode found (serial number: ${sn})."
+ break
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo ""
+ echo "WARNING: Several ${PRODUCT}'s in fastboot mode connected."
+ echo "WARNING: Please connect only one ${PRODUCT}."
+ ;;
+ esac
+ echo ""
+ while true
+ do
+ read -rp "Do you want to look for a ${PRODUCT} again? [(Y)es/(n)o]: " a
+ if [ -z "${a}" ] || [ "${a}" = 'y' ] || [ "${a}" = 'Y' ]
+ then
+ break
+ elif [ "${a}" = 'n' ] || [ "${a}" = 'N' ]
+ then
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ done
+ done
+# Flash (or manipulate) relevant partitions
+flash_device() {
+ flash_image_ab_or_abort ${sn} apusys apusys.img
+ flash_image_ab_or_abort ${sn} boot boot.img
+ flash_image_ab_or_abort ${sn} ccu ccu.img
+ flash_image_ab_or_abort ${sn} connsys_bt connsys_bt.img
+ flash_image_ab_or_abort ${sn} connsys_gnss connsys_gnss.img
+ flash_image_ab_or_abort ${sn} connsys_wifi connsys_wifi.img
+ flash_image_ab_or_abort ${sn} dpm dpm.img
+ flash_image_ab_or_abort ${sn} dtbo dtbo.img
+ flash_image_ab_or_abort ${sn} gpueb gpueb.img
+ flash_image_ab_or_abort ${sn} gz gz.img
+ flash_image_ab_or_abort ${sn} init_boot init_boot.img
+ flash_image_ab_or_abort ${sn} lk lk.img
+ flash_image_ab_or_abort ${sn} logo logo.img
+ flash_image_ab_or_abort ${sn} mcf_ota mcf_ota.img
+ flash_image_ab_or_abort ${sn} mcupm mcupm.img
+ flash_image_ab_or_abort ${sn} modem modem.img
+ flash_image_ab_or_abort ${sn} pi_img pi_img.img
+ flash_image_ab_or_abort ${sn} preloader preloader_raw.img
+ flash_image_ab_or_abort ${sn} scp scp.img
+ flash_image_ab_or_abort ${sn} spmfw spmfw.img
+ flash_image_ab_or_abort ${sn} sspm sspm.img
+ flash_image_or_abort ${sn} super super.img
+ flash_image_ab_or_abort ${sn} tee tee.img
+ flash_image_ab_or_abort ${sn} vbmeta vbmeta.img
+ flash_image_ab_or_abort ${sn} vbmeta_system vbmeta_system.img
+ flash_image_ab_or_abort ${sn} vbmeta_vendor vbmeta_vendor.img
+ flash_image_ab_or_abort ${sn} vcp vcp.img
+ flash_image_ab_or_abort ${sn} vendor_boot vendor_boot.img
+ if [ "${CLEAN_FLASH}" = "true" ]
+ then
+ "$FASTBOOT_BIN" -s "${sn}" erase userdata
+ "$FASTBOOT_BIN" -s "${sn}" erase metadata
+ fi
+ "$FASTBOOT_BIN" -s "${sn}" --set-active=a
+# Flash an image to a partition. Abort on failure.
+# Arguments:
+flash_image_or_abort() {
+ local retval=0
+ "$FASTBOOT_BIN" -s "${1}" flash "${2}" "${IMAGES_DIR}"/"${3}" || retval=$?
+ if [ "${retval}" -ne 0 ]
+ then
+ echo ""
+ echo "ERROR: Could not flash the ${2} partition on device ${1}."
+ echo ""
+ echo "ERROR: Please unplug the phone and boot the device into"
+ echo "ERROR: fastboot mode, and start this script again."
+ echo "ERROR: (To get to fastboot mode, press Volume-Down and plug in the USB-C)"
+ echo "ERROR: (cable until the fastboot menu appears.)"
+ abort_now
+ fi
+# Flash an image to both A and B slot of partition. Abort on failure.
+# Arguments:
+flash_image_ab_or_abort() {
+ flash_image_or_abort "${1}" "${2}_a" "${3}"
+ flash_image_or_abort "${1}" "${2}_b" "${3}"
+# Operating system checks and variable definition
+os_checks() {
+ case "$(uname -s 2> /dev/null)" in
+ Linux|GNU/Linux)
+ echo "INFO: You are using a Linux distribution."
+ FASTBOOT_BIN="${ROOT_DIR}/bin-linux-x86/fastboot"
+ ;;
+ msys|MINGW*)
+ echo "INFO: You are using MinGW on Windows"
+ FASTBOOT_BIN="${ROOT_DIR}/bin-msys/fastboot.exe"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "ERROR: Unsupported operating system (${OSTYPE})."
+ echo "ERROR: Only GNU/Linux, and MinGW on Windows are currently supported."
+ abort_now
+ ;;
+ esac
+# Control the reboot sequence
+reboot_device() {
+ echo "-----------"
+ echo ""
+ echo "INFO: Done. The device will reboot now."
+ "${FASTBOOT_BIN}" -s "${sn}" reboot
+ echo ""
+ echo "INFO: You can unplug the USB cable now."
+ echo ""
+# Warn about data wipe, and ask for confirmation
+data_wipe_check() {
+ if [ "${CLEAN_FLASH}" = "true" ]
+ then
+ echo ""
+ echo "WARNING: Flashing this image wipes all user data and settings on the phone."
+ echo " Are you sure you want to wipe data and continue?"
+ echo ""
+ # Read user's input
+ read -rp " Type \"Yes\" (case sensitive) and press enter to wipe data and continue. Else, just press enter: " a
+ echo ""
+ if [ "_${a:-"No"}" != '_Yes' ]
+ # NOTE: $a is being set by the read command above,
+ # so the check for a to be set is mostly redundant
+ then
+ echo "WARNING: You DID NOT type \"Yes\", proceeding without data wipe."
+ echo ""
+ CLEAN_FLASH="false"
+ else
+ echo "WARNING: You typed \"Yes\", proceeding with data wipe."
+ CLEAN_FLASH="true"
+ fi
+ fi
+echo ""
+echo "*** ${PRODUCT} flashing script ***"
+echo ""
+echo "INFO: The procedure will start soon. Please wait..."
+echo "Note that this will detect and flash only on ${PRODUCT} device."
+sleep 2
+# Begin with some OS checks and variable definition
+# Call function to look for device(s)
+# If only one device is found $sn will store its serial number
+# Call function to look for data wipe check
+# Flash the device
+# Reboot device