Google Translate not working since June 2022
Since somewhen in June 2022 (probably in the second half of the month) Google Translate stopped working.
For online translations, but also for offline translations it's displaying Can't translate
and Check your data connection
. Data connection is fine and downgrading to an older version workarounds the issue.
I've successfully workarounded by downgrading to Google Translate from March 30 2022. (tested no other versions until now)
I suspect this to be (maybe) an issue with microG or the underlying /e/OS. I'll try to do further tests with other phones later on.
My phone: FP3+ OS: e_FP3-userdebug 10 QQ3A.200805.001 eng.root.20220527.183702 dev-keys,dev-release
Edited by kolAflash