New BluetoothSocket API.
Modeled on blocking and library. Public interface is: public final class BluetoothSocket implements Closeable { public static BluetoothSocket createRfcommSocket(String address, int port) throws IOException; public static BluetoothSocket createInsecureRfcommSocket(String address, int port) throws IOException; public void connect() throws IOException; public void close() throws IOException; public String getAddress(); public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException; public OutputStream getOutputStream() throws IOException; } public final class BluetoothServerSocket implements Closeable { public static BluetoothServerSocket listenUsingRfcommOn(int port) throws IOException; public static BluetoothServerSocket listenUsingUnsecureRfcommOn(int port) throws IOException; public BluetoothSocket accept() throws IOException; public BluetoothSocket accept(int timeout) throws IOException; public void close() throws IOException; }
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