Lineage =========== Submitting Patches ------------------ Patches are always welcome! Please submit your patches via Lineage Gerrit! You can do this by using these commands: (From root android directory) . build/ (Go to repo you are patching, make your changes and commit) cmgerrit repo start cm-14.1 . (Make your changes and commit) repo upload . Note: "." meaning current directory For more help on using this tool, use this command: repo help upload Make your changes and commit with a detailed message, starting with what you are working with (i.e. vision: Update Kernel) Commit your patches in a single commit. Squash multiple commit using this command: git rebase -i HEAD~<# of commits> To view the status of your and others' patches, visit [Lineage Code Review]( Getting Started --------------- To get started with Android/Lineage, you'll need to get familiar with [Git and Repo]( To initialize your local repository using the Lineage trees, use a command like this: repo init -u git:// -b cm-14.1 Then to sync up: repo sync Please see the [Lineage Wiki]( for building instructions. For more information on this Github Organization and how it is structured, please [read the wiki article]( Buildbot -------- All supported devices are built nightly and periodically as changes are committed to ensure the source trees remain buildable. You can view the current build statuses at [Lineage Jenkins](