FROM nextcloud:21.0.7-fpm AS nextcloud ARG BASE_DIR="/usr/src/nextcloud" ARG TMP_PATCH_DIR="/tmp/build_patches" ARG THEME_VERSION="21.1.1" ARG THEME_HELPER_VERSION="1.0.2" ARG NEWS_VERSION="17.0.1" ARG QUOTA_WARN_VERSION="1.13.0" ARG NOTES_VERSION="4.2.0" ARG CONTACTS_VERSION="4.0.6" ARG CALENDAR_VERSION="3.0.1" ARG USER_BACKEND_RAW_SQL_VERSION="1.1.1" ARG EMAIL_RECOVERY_JOB_ID="199763" ARG RAINLOOP_VERSION="7.1.2" ARG RAINLOOP_COMMIT_SHA="e9da581c" ARG EA_TAG="1.0.0" ARG ECLOUD_LAUNCHER_JOB_ID="222001" ARG GOOGLE_INTEGRATION_VERSION="1.0.6" COPY patches/ ${TMP_PATCH_DIR}/ RUN sed -i 's/21,0,7,0/21,0,7,18/' ${BASE_DIR}/version.php # Install unzip for unzipping artifacts RUN apt-get update && apt-get install unzip # Custom apps RUN curl -fsSL -o news.tar.gz \ "${NEWS_VERSION}/news.tar.gz" && \ tar -xf news.tar.gz -C ${BASE_DIR}/custom_apps/ && \ rm news.tar.gz; RUN curl -fsSL -o quota_warning.tar.gz \ "${QUOTA_WARN_VERSION}/quota_warning-v${QUOTA_WARN_VERSION}.tar.gz" && \ tar -xf quota_warning.tar.gz -C ${BASE_DIR}/custom_apps/ && \ rm quota_warning.tar.gz; RUN curl -fsSL -o notes.tar.gz \ "${NOTES_VERSION}/notes.tar.gz" && \ tar -xf notes.tar.gz -C ${BASE_DIR}/custom_apps/ && \ rm notes.tar.gz; RUN curl -fsSL -o contacts.tar.gz \ "${CONTACTS_VERSION}/contacts.tar.gz" && \ tar -xf contacts.tar.gz -C ${BASE_DIR}/custom_apps/ && \ rm contacts.tar.gz; RUN curl -fsSL -o calendar.tar.gz \ "${CALENDAR_VERSION}/calendar.tar.gz" && \ tar -xf calendar.tar.gz -C ${BASE_DIR}/custom_apps/ && \ rm calendar.tar.gz; RUN curl -fsSL -o user_backend_sql_raw.tar.gz \ "${USER_BACKEND_RAW_SQL_VERSION}/user_backend_sql_raw.tar.gz" && \ tar -xf user_backend_sql_raw.tar.gz -C ${BASE_DIR}/custom_apps/ && \ rm user_backend_sql_raw.tar.gz; RUN curl -fsSL -o \ "${EMAIL_RECOVERY_JOB_ID}/artifacts/download" && \ unzip && \ cd dist && tar -xf email-recovery.tar.gz -C ${BASE_DIR}/custom_apps/ && \ rm email-recovery.tar.gz; RUN curl -fsSL -o rainloop.tar.gz \ "${RAINLOOP_VERSION}-${RAINLOOP_COMMIT_SHA}/rainloop-nextcloud-${RAINLOOP_VERSION}-${RAINLOOP_COMMIT_SHA}.tar.gz" && \ tar -xf rainloop.tar.gz -C ${BASE_DIR}/custom_apps/ && \ mv "${BASE_DIR}/custom_apps/rainloop-nextcloud-${RAINLOOP_VERSION}-${RAINLOOP_COMMIT_SHA}" "${BASE_DIR}/custom_apps/rainloop" && \ rm rainloop.tar.gz; RUN curl -fsSL -o ecloud-theme-helper.tar.gz \ "${THEME_HELPER_VERSION}/ecloud-theme-helper-${THEME_HELPER_VERSION}.tar.gz" && \ tar -xf ecloud-theme-helper.tar.gz -C ${BASE_DIR}/custom_apps/ && \ mv "${BASE_DIR}/custom_apps/ecloud-theme-helper-${THEME_HELPER_VERSION}" "${BASE_DIR}/custom_apps/ecloud-theme-helper" && \ rm ecloud-theme-helper.tar.gz; RUN curl -fsSL -o \ "${ECLOUD_LAUNCHER_JOB_ID}/artifacts/download" && \ unzip && \ mv dist/ecloud-launcher ${BASE_DIR}/custom_apps/ && \ rm; RUN curl -fsSL -o integration_google.tar.gz \ "${GOOGLE_INTEGRATION_VERSION}/integration_google-${GOOGLE_INTEGRATION_VERSION}.tar.gz" && \ tar -xf integration_google.tar.gz -C ${BASE_DIR}/custom_apps/ && \ chown -R www-data:www-data ${BASE_DIR}/custom_apps/integration_google && \ rm integration_google.tar.gz; RUN curl -fsSL -o ecloud-accounts.tar.gz \ "${EA_TAG}/ecloud-drop-account-${EA_TAG}.tar.gz" && \ tar -xf ecloud-accounts.tar.gz -C ${BASE_DIR}/custom_apps/ && \ mv "${BASE_DIR}/custom_apps/ecloud-drop-account-${EA_TAG}" "${BASE_DIR}/custom_apps/ecloud-accounts" && \ rm ecloud-accounts.tar.gz; # Remove unzip when unzipping is done RUN apt-get -y remove unzip # force eCloud theme not to be disabled even when there is an upgrade process launched RUN sed -i "s/\$systemConfig->setValue('theme', '');/\$systemConfig->setValue('theme', 'eCloud');/g" ${BASE_DIR}/lib/base.php # Patches RUN patch -u ${BASE_DIR}/core/Controller/LoginController.php -i ${TMP_PATCH_DIR}/002-login-without-domain.patch RUN patch -u ${BASE_DIR}/core/templates/layout.user.php -i ${TMP_PATCH_DIR}/003-contact-search-removal.patch RUN patch -u ${BASE_DIR}/core/Controller/ContactsMenuController.php -i ${TMP_PATCH_DIR}/004-contact-search-controller-removal.patch RUN cd ${BASE_DIR} && patch -p0 < ${TMP_PATCH_DIR}/005-autocomplete-user-leak-core.patch RUN cd ${BASE_DIR}/custom_apps && patch -p0 < ${TMP_PATCH_DIR}/005-autocomplete-user-leak-custom-app.patch RUN cd ${BASE_DIR} && patch -p0 < ${TMP_PATCH_DIR}/006-recovery-email-changes.patch RUN patch -u ${BASE_DIR}/apps/settings/lib/Settings/Personal/ServerDevNotice.php -i ${TMP_PATCH_DIR}/007-remove-dev-notice.patch RUN patch -u ${BASE_DIR}/lib/private/Template/IconsCacher.php -i ${TMP_PATCH_DIR}/008-icons-cacher-theme-svgs.patch RUN patch -u ${BASE_DIR}/core/Controller/SvgController.php -i ${TMP_PATCH_DIR}/008-svg-controller-theme-svgs.patch RUN cd ${BASE_DIR} && patch -p0 < ${TMP_PATCH_DIR}/009-help-links.patch RUN patch -u ${BASE_DIR}/lib/private/Updater.php -i ${TMP_PATCH_DIR}/010-disable-app-store-upgrade.patch RUN cd ${BASE_DIR} && patch -p0 < ${TMP_PATCH_DIR}/011-privacy-settings.patch RUN cd ${BASE_DIR} && patch -u ${BASE_DIR}/apps/dashboard/lib/Controller/DashboardController.php -i ${TMP_PATCH_DIR}/012-remove-user-status-widget.patch RUN patch -u ${BASE_DIR}/lib/private/Authentication/Token/PublicKeyTokenProvider.php -i ${TMP_PATCH_DIR}/013-revert-token-password-update.patch RUN rm -rf ${TMP_PATCH_DIR} # autocomplete leak tweak apps frontend with sed, disable group suggestion RUN cd ${BASE_DIR}/custom_apps/contacts && sed -i 's/"GROUP","INDIVIDUAL"/"INDIVIDUAL"/g' js/contacts-main.js RUN cd ${BASE_DIR}/custom_apps/contacts && sed -i 's/emit("new-contact")/emit("newContact")/g' js/contacts-main.js RUN cd ${BASE_DIR}/custom_apps/calendar && sed -i 's/"GROUP","INDIVIDUAL"/"INDIVIDUAL"/g' js/calendar-main.js RUN cd ${BASE_DIR}/custom_apps/calendar && sed -i 's/{name:\[a,"displayname"\]},//' js/calendar-main.js # Set default widgets to calendar, tasks and notes RUN sed -i 's/recommendations,spreed,mail,calendar/calendar,tasks,notes/' ${BASE_DIR}/apps/dashboard/lib/Controller/DashboardController.php # Remove colored background from email template logo RUN sed -i 's/$this->header, \[$this->themingDefaults->getColorPrimary()/$this->header, \["none"/' ${BASE_DIR}/lib/private/Mail/EMailTemplate.php # fix min version of google data migration app RUN sed -i "s/min-version=\"22\"/min-version=\"21\"/" ${BASE_DIR}/custom_apps/integration_google/appinfo/info.xml RUN sed -i 's/ in Nextcloud/ /' ${BASE_DIR}/custom_apps/integration_google/js/integration_google-personalSettings.js RUN sed -i 's/Nextcloud administrator/administrator/' ${BASE_DIR}/custom_apps/integration_google/js/integration_google-personalSettings.js # Custom theme RUN curl -fsSL -o eCloud-theme.tar.gz \ "${THEME_VERSION}/nextcloud-theme-${THEME_VERSION}.tar.gz" && \ tar -xf eCloud-theme.tar.gz -C /tmp/ && \ mv /tmp/nextcloud-theme-${THEME_VERSION}/ ${BASE_DIR}/themes/eCloud && \ chown -R www-data:www-data ${BASE_DIR}/themes/eCloud/ && \ rm -rf eCloud-theme.tar.gz ${BASE_DIR}/themes/example/ # Replace "Get your own free account" NC link with /e/ Account link in public pages RUN sed -i 's/https:\/\/\/signup\//https:\/\/e\.foundation\/\/e-email-invite\//' ${BASE_DIR}/core/templates/layout.public.php # Use php 8 image FROM php:8.0.12-fpm-bullseye RUN mkdir -p /var/www/skeleton/Documents && mkdir -p /var/www/skeleton/Images # Copy all the required files from the nextcloud stage COPY --from=nextcloud /usr/src/nextcloud /usr/src/nextcloud COPY --from=nextcloud /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/ /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/ COPY --from=nextcloud /*.sh / COPY --from=nextcloud /upgrade.exclude / COPY --from=nextcloud /var/spool/cron/crontabs /var/spool/cron/crontabs COPY --from=nextcloud / / # Copy entrypoints and add correct permissions COPY / RUN chmod +x / RUN chmod +x / # Install required dependencies of nextcloud RUN set -ex; \ \ apt-get update; \ apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \ rsync \ bzip2 \ busybox-static \ libldap-common \ ; \ rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*; # install the PHP extensions we need # see ENV PHP_MEMORY_LIMIT 512M ENV PHP_UPLOAD_LIMIT 512M RUN set -ex; \ \ savedAptMark="$(apt-mark showmanual)"; \ \ apt-get update; \ apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \ libcurl4-openssl-dev \ libevent-dev \ libfreetype6-dev \ libicu-dev \ libjpeg-dev \ libldap2-dev \ libmcrypt-dev \ libmemcached-dev \ libpng-dev \ libpq-dev \ libxml2-dev \ libmagickwand-dev \ libzip-dev \ libwebp-dev \ libgmp-dev \ ; \ \ debMultiarch="$(dpkg-architecture --query DEB_BUILD_MULTIARCH)"; \ docker-php-ext-configure gd --with-freetype --with-jpeg --with-webp; \ docker-php-ext-configure ldap --with-libdir="lib/$debMultiarch"; \ docker-php-ext-install -j "$(nproc)" \ bcmath \ exif \ gd \ intl \ ldap \ opcache \ pcntl \ pdo_mysql \ pdo_pgsql \ zip \ gmp \ ; \ \ # pecl will claim success even if one install fails, so we need to perform each install separately pecl install APCu-5.1.21; \ pecl install memcached-3.1.5; \ pecl install redis-5.3.4; \ pecl install imagick-3.5.1; \ \ docker-php-ext-enable \ apcu \ memcached \ redis \ imagick \ ; \ rm -r /tmp/pear; \ \ # reset apt-mark's "manual" list so that "purge --auto-remove" will remove all build dependencies apt-mark auto '.*' > /dev/null; \ apt-mark manual $savedAptMark; \ ldd "$(php -r 'echo ini_get("extension_dir");')"/*.so \ | awk '/=>/ { print $3 }' \ | sort -u \ | xargs -r dpkg-query -S \ | cut -d: -f1 \ | sort -u \ | xargs -rt apt-mark manual; \ \ apt-get purge -y --auto-remove -o APT::AutoRemove::RecommendsImportant=false; # Install imagemagick RUN apt-get -y install imagemagick;\ rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*; VOLUME /var/www/html ENV NEXTCLOUD_VERSION 21.0.7 ENTRYPOINT ["/"] CMD ["php-fpm"]