App lounge doesn't warn user about insufficient space which prevents apps' updates
- /e/ version: v1.12.3 q
- Device model(s): starlte
- Developer mode enabled: yes
- Device rooted: no
- Trackers blocker enabled: yes
App Lounge doesn't update my applications since few days
The problem
Steps to reproduce
Some context:
- the device has not been rebooted since few days
- I may have reset app data a long ago (but the device has been rebooted since then)
- the device has more than 1GB free
What is the current behavior?
App Lounge doesn't handle INSUFFICIENT_SPACE_ERROR
of DownloadManager
so the user has no clue the fact the phone has not enough free space prevents the installation and updates of apps.
What is the expected correct behavior?
of DownloadManager
. When this error occurs a notification appears in the notification bar saying Free up {{amount of free space missing + unit}} on your phone to get the latest updates.
The unit used for the missing amount of free space must adapt to the language (for instance MB in English is Mo in French).
🇫🇷 French:Libérez {{amount of free space missing + unit}} sur votre téléphone afin de bénéficier des dernières mises à jour.
🇩🇪 German:Bitte {{amount of free space missing + unit}} Speicherplatz auf diesem Gerät freimachen, damtit die neueste Aktualisierung installiert werden kann.
🇮🇹 Italian:Per scaricare l'aggiornamento, devi liberare {{amount of free space missing + unit}} di spazio sullo smartphone.
🇪🇸 Spanish:Libera {{amount of free space missing + unit}} en tu teléfono para recibir las últimas actualizaciones.
Translations requested here.
Technical information
Relevant logs (adb logcat
$ adb shell am broadcast -a "" -p "foundation.e.apps"
Broadcasting: Intent { flg=0x400000 pkg=foundation.e.apps }
Broadcast completed: result=0
Relevant screenshots
Possible fixes
/cc @hasibprince @SayantanRC @aude.m