Style-Color Picker Off (Colors Off In Light and Dark Theme)
- /e/ version: /e/OS/ 0.20-q-20211216151800
- Device model(s): star2lte
- Device rooted: no
Color wrong in picker in styles. Is in dark and light theme.
The problem
Steps to reproduce
- Go to settings
- Go to display
- Turn darker theme off or on
- Go to styles and wallpapers.
- Go to style
- Create custom
- Go through setup until you get to color
- Black color appears twice in light theme and twice in dark theme. Second appearance in dark theme is white.
What is the current behavior?
Colors appear more than once and in dark theme appears as wrong color.
What is the expected correct behavior?
Colors should appear once and be proper color
Technical informations
Relevant logs (adb logcat
Relevant screenshots
Possible fixes
Edited by Fahim Salam Chowdhury