MMS sending and receiving with SFR provider fail
- /e/ version: 0.18-o-20210828132316-stable-star2lte
- Device model(s): G965-F (S9+)
- Device rooted: no
After test upgrade, I can simply no more send and receive MMS. I have tried to change the APN configuration to follow SFR/RED recommendations (as can be seen in the screenshot), but nothing zorks. I have no problem with 4G connexion.
The problem
Steps to reproduce
Use the test version of /e/ on a S9+, put a RED/SFR sim card. You will see a strange APN used (Internet Joe). Try to use it to send an MMS with a picture. Nothing go out. Try to receive a picture> Nothing is received. Create a new APN with SFR/RED configuration. No changes.
What is the current behavior?
MMS are neither send and received.
What is the expected correct behavior?
I wnt to send and receive MMS :)
Technical informations
Relevant logs (adb logcat
10-06 00:52:02.215 4609 16892 D MmsServiceBroker: getCarrierConfigValues() by foundation.e.message
10-06 00:52:02.216 5032 5346 D MmsService: getCarrierConfigValues
10-06 00:52:02.216 5032 5346 I MmsService: mms config for sub 1: Bundle[{httpSocketTimeout=60000, aliasMinChars=2, smsToMmsTextThreshold=-1, enableSMSDeliveryReports=true, maxMessageTextSize=-1, supportMmsContentDisposition=true, enabledTransID=false, aliasEnabled=false, supportHttpCharsetHeader=false, allowAttachAudio=true, smsToMmsTextLengthThreshold=-1, recipientLimit=2147483647, uaProfTagName=x-wap-profile, aliasMaxChars=48, maxImageHeight=1944, enableMMSDeliveryReports=false, userAgent=, mmsCloseConnection=false, config_cellBroadcastAppLinks=true, maxSubjectLength=40, httpParams=, enableGroupMms=true, emailGatewayNumber=, maxMessageSize=614400, naiSuffix=, enableMMSReadReports=false, maxImageWidth=2592, uaProfUrl=, enabledMMS=true, enabledNotifyWapMMSC=false, sendMultipartSmsAsSeparateMessages=false, enableMultipartSMS=true}]
10-06 00:52:02.221 4609 4704 D MmsServiceBroker: getCarrierConfigValues() by foundation.e.message
10-06 00:52:02.222 5032 5474 D MmsService: getCarrierConfigValues
10-06 00:52:02.222 5032 5474 I MmsService: mms config for sub 1: Bundle[{httpSocketTimeout=60000, aliasMinChars=2, smsToMmsTextThreshold=-1, enableSMSDeliveryReports=true, maxMessageTextSize=-1, supportMmsContentDisposition=true, enabledTransID=false, aliasEnabled=false, supportHttpCharsetHeader=false, allowAttachAudio=true, smsToMmsTextLengthThreshold=-1, recipientLimit=2147483647, uaProfTagName=x-wap-profile, aliasMaxChars=48, maxImageHeight=1944, enableMMSDeliveryReports=false, userAgent=, mmsCloseConnection=false, config_cellBroadcastAppLinks=true, maxSubjectLength=40, httpParams=, enableGroupMms=true, emailGatewayNumber=, maxMessageSize=614400, naiSuffix=, enableMMSReadReports=false, maxImageWidth=2592, uaProfUrl=, enabledMMS=true, enabledNotifyWapMMSC=false, sendMultipartSmsAsSeparateMessages=false, enableMultipartSMS=true}]
10-06 00:52:02.574 4609 6485 D MmsServiceBroker: sendMessage() by foundation.e.message
10-06 00:52:02.577 5032 5339 D MmsService: sendMessage
10-06 00:52:02.583 5032 5339 D MmsService: Current running=1, current subId=1, pending=0
10-06 00:52:02.583 5032 5339 D MmsService: Add request to running queue for subId 1
10-06 00:52:02.584 5032 12929 I MmsService: [SendRequest@5c74393] Executing...
10-06 00:52:02.584 5032 12929 I MmsService: mms config for sub 1: Bundle[{httpSocketTimeout=60000, aliasMinChars=2, smsToMmsTextThreshold=-1, enableSMSDeliveryReports=true, maxMessageTextSize=-1, supportMmsContentDisposition=true, enabledTransID=false, aliasEnabled=false, supportHttpCharsetHeader=false, allowAttachAudio=true, smsToMmsTextLengthThreshold=-1, recipientLimit=2147483647, uaProfTagName=x-wap-profile, aliasMaxChars=48, maxImageHeight=1944, enableMMSDeliveryReports=false, userAgent=, mmsCloseConnection=false, config_cellBroadcastAppLinks=true, maxSubjectLength=40, httpParams=, enableGroupMms=true, emailGatewayNumber=, maxMessageSize=614400, naiSuffix=, enableMMSReadReports=false, maxImageWidth=2592, uaProfUrl=, enabledMMS=true, enabledNotifyWapMMSC=false, sendMultipartSmsAsSeparateMessages=false, enableMultipartSMS=true}]
10-06 00:52:02.596 23498 12257 E CursorToMessage$Message: Couldn't find column 'err_type' in [_id, thread_id, date, date_sent, msg_box, read, m_id, sub, sub_cs, ct_t, ct_l, exp, m_cls, m_type, v, m_size, pri, rr, rpt_a, resp_st, st, tr_id, retr_st, retr_txt, retr_txt_cs, read_status, ct_cls, resp_txt, d_tm, d_rpt, locked, sub_id, seen, creator, text_only]
10-06 00:52:02.597 23498 12257 E CursorToMessage$Message: Couldn't find column 'err_type' in [_id, thread_id, date, date_sent, msg_box, read, m_id, sub, sub_cs, ct_t, ct_l, exp, m_cls, m_type, v, m_size, pri, rr, rpt_a, resp_st, st, tr_id, retr_st, retr_txt, retr_txt_cs, read_status, ct_cls, resp_txt, d_tm, d_rpt, locked, sub_id, seen, creator, text_only]
10-06 00:52:04.866 11873 11873 D CellBroadcastReceiver: onReceive Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) }
10-06 00:52:04.871 5032 5032 W Telephony: AccountEntry: registerMmTelCapabilityCallback: registration failed, no ImsService available. Exception: CapabilityCallbackManager - MmTelFeature binder is dead. (code: 1)
Relevant screenshots
Use whatsapp or telegram, but cannot be used with everybody
Nom : SFR webphone
APN : sl2sfr
MSC : http://mms1
Proxy MMS :
Port MMS : 8080
MCC : 208
MNC : 10
Type d’APN : default, hipri, mms
Possible fixes
No idea sorry